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    AquaGold Microchanneling For Ultimate Pre-Event Skin (A.K.A. “The Un-Facial, Facial.”)

    Summertime brings about all kinds of fun events (and I’m about to share with you my favorite event prep). When it comes to weddings, showers, bachelorette parties, backyard bbqs, and vacations there is ONE treatment, in particular, that I never skip myself. I like to call it the final ‘zhuzh’ pre-big event: PFAM’s AquaGold Microchanneling Super Facial. It requires ZERO downtime and won’t cause you any increased sun sensitivity, making it the ultimate pre-event prep!! It creates that ‘filter-like’ effect without the filter and the stunning results take about 2 weeks to really settle in.

    No matter the occasion, I love helping you glow in your skin and look your best. PFAM’s AquaGold Microchanneling Super Facial is the perfect all-in-one service that leaves the skin as radiant as the SoCal rays. An AquaGold Facial is fully customizable to your needs and could include botox to shrink pores and improve fine lines, dermal filler to plump and hydrate the skin, natural vitamins for brightening and increased collagen production, and hyaluronic acid to deeply nourish and moisturize. You may miss one ocean-view drink while you indulge in the 30-minute treatment, but your skin will be receiving a fully customized cocktail of its own. ;)

    A Facial (But not). Here’s How It Works…

    AquaGold Microchanneling treatments are administered through a small glass vial attached to a series of twenty hollow gold needles smaller than a follicle of hair. These needles are hollow so that they can transport the vial’s content directly into the skin at the ideal 600 micron depth. With each ‘stamp’ of the vial, the cocktail gets pushed in at the dermal layer of the skin. Each needle is coated in 24-carat gold, minimizing the risk for irritation or allergic reactions.

    Depending on the specific cocktail your skin requires, we can treat the following skin concerns on the face (including the entire eye area), neck and chest:

    • Acne scarring
    • Fine lines and wrinkles
    • Skin laxity
    • Uneven pigmentation
    • Dilated pores
    • Oily Skin
    • Rosacea and redness from sensitive skin

    Our customized cocktail solution can address various skin concerns, sometimes in a singular session. The cocktail can be tailored based on your concerns and goals. Ingredients may include:

    • Botox to shrink pores, reduce fine lines, decrease oil production, and improve redness from Rosacea
    • Hyaluronic acid filler to smooth out texture, improve hydration, and increase skin plumpness
    • Vitamins such as vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) and antioxidants such as Glutathione, Superoxide Dismutase, and Lipoic Acid help to brighten, increase collagen production and combat many signs of aging
    • PRP (platelet rich plasma) uses your body’s own bioregenerative powers to enhance the glow factor (and the duration) of this already amazing treatment

    What To Expect

    The entire procedure takes about 30 minutes. Topical numbing is offered for those wanting to make it more comfortable.

    Following the treatment, you may experience some pink-ish skin for about 2-4 hours, but that’s really it! You should remain clean-skinned (no products or washing) for 6 hours following the treatment, and refrain from exercise for 24 hours.

    You’ll begin to see significant visual improvements, including a radiant, hydrated and more plump appearance, 7 days after your treatment with results peaking at 2 weeks. Results can last about 2 months depending on your tailored cocktail solution. Essentially zero downtime means that our AquaGold Microchanneling Super Facial is ideal for creating that airbrushed look just in time for your special event!

    Dr. Zoe, Lexie N.P., and Team

    P.S. AquaGold is not a substitute for standard Botox injectable treatments used to treat dynamic wrinkles. AquaGold has no effect on movement or muscle relaxation since we are only using micro-doses of Botox in the very superficial level of the skin. Traditional Botox can be stacked with your Aquagold Super Facial if desired. 


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