Chemical Peels

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There are various ingredients that can be used in chemical peels resulting in differing depths of peel and a spectrum of skin-transforming results. First, your provider will take an assessment of your skin, and then recommend which peel is best for your skin type and skin goals.

Typically, medium-depth peels offer a very effective way to remove the signs of aging and sun damage from the skin without extensive downtime or recovery. The deeper a chemical peel penetrates the skin, the longer the recovery time will be.

The primary benefits of a medium-depth chemical peel are:

  • Smooth fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improve overall complexion of the face
  • Reduce acne scarring and assist with healing active acne breakouts
  • Minimize stubborn post-acne scars and uneven tone for a brighter, smoother surface
  • Reduce the appearance of large pores
  • Eliminate acne bacteria and balance skin cells known to cause clogged pores
  • Lighten areas of discoloration
  • Assist with the treatment of melasma
  • Improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin
  • Combat deep-set wrinkles and loss of elasticity by enhancing collagen stimulation to increase cell turnover and help firm the skin
  • Restores skin to a more healthy, youthful glow

What To Expect From Your Chemical Peel 

The treatment is well tolerated and takes less than 30 minutes. Your provider will thoroughly cleanse your skin before the chemical peel is applied. Depending on the type of peel, 2-5 coats are applied for best results. You can go about your day following the treatment (with sun protection). You can expect to have dry, tight skin with some redness for 1-2 days following the treatment. Often, you will see areas of the skin turn darker prior to visible peeling, which may occur approximately day 3-7. When the old damaged skin has peeled away, you will be left with refreshed and glowing skin. Sun protection is extremely important following a chemical peel for at least 2-3 weeks. If necessary, some medium-depth peels can be repeated every 4 weeks until desired results are achieved. 

You may not be a candidate for a chemical peel if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Active cold sores or sunburn
  • Lupus
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Pregnancy / Breastfeeding
  • Chronic skin disorders and dermatitis conditions

There are not a significant number of serious side effects associated with chemical peels. Some of the more minor side effects can include:

  • Prolonged healing, permanent discoloration and infection are all possible if peeling skin is removed prematurely (by pulling and picking)
  • Cold sores may appear if you are already susceptible to them
  • Temporary swelling of the treated area
  • Mild redness during healing
  • Itching, especially with deeper chemical peels


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Coming in for a treatment at our San Diego office, or have more questions? See Chemical Peel Pre- and Post-Treatment information.

Not ready to book yet? Check out our gallery of Before & After Chemical Peel results here.