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    The Lip Guide—Featuring Lip Filler Before and Afters

    Pucker up PFAM! We’re bringing life back to those pretty lippies. Get ready to dive into the land of lips—lip filler, lip flips, how to prepare and more!

    Let's Talk About Lip Filler

    Have you ever purchased one of those lip plumping glosses from the local beauty store? They look pretty on, tingle a bit, and give the lips some volume... but it never seems to last very long. The reason we try lip plumping gloss in the first place (and the reason we’re sad when it wears off) is that as we age, our youthful lippies lose their natural, hydrated, plump appearance.

    For a longer-lasting, rejuvenated lip, filler is an excellent choice. Now I’m not talking about some of those noticeable lip jobs we have all seen on TV and Instagram. I’m talking about very meticulously and tastefully placed lip filler to reveal the beautifully natural, youthful lips we all dream about. 

    Lip Filler in San Diego Before and After

    Lip Filler Before And After

    When a client arrives at La Jolla-based PFAM to have their lips rejuvenated, we always begin with an in-depth conversation covering lip goals, areas of concern, and how to maximize perfect results. Equally important to that is how our providers study a clients mouth while they share about their dream lip filler treatment. We notice natural facial expressions, unique facial anatomy, and aesthetic style so that we can understand which filler and how much of it will best suit the client. 

    One of the best and most confusing parts of lip filler treatments is the sheer amount of filler choices. It can feel a little overwhelming (especially when everyone has strong opinions about which option is best), but this is also what allows us to find the perfect fit for you.

    Taking into account your unique goals, natural shape, personality, and style, we get your beautiful lips looking and feeling exactly how you want. Our hope is that you leave the San Diego PFAM office feeling more authentic and empowered than ever before.

    Lip Filler in San Diego Before and After

    Lips Before And After

    Choices of lip filler have evolved immensely over the last century (yep, the concept of lip filler has really been around for that long)! Today’s product options are very safe, soft, and have amazing tissue integration. This is important because it decreases complications and provides a natural result.

    At PFAM we exclusively use hyaluronic acid fillers when doing any lip augmentation. Hyaluronic acid is a key molecule that is already naturally occurring in the body, most abundantly in the skin. This key ingredient has a unique capacity to retain water, and when placed into the lip space, beautiful hydration and rejuvenation can be achieved.

    What is the best lip filler?

    Now which product to choose?! Maybe you’ve heard of some of the amazing options out there. Here are a few PFAM favorites for the lips and why we might choose them for you! It’s also important to know that it’s completely normal and safe to mix and match fillers from visit to visit, depending on what we are striving to achieve. 

    Juvederm Volbella Lip Filler

    • The thinnest option, used for subtle and very natural enhancement. Like a long-lasting lip gloss!
    • You’ll be left with soft and, of course, wonderfully hydrated, beautiful lips.

    Restylane Kysse Lip Filler

    • Plump up the volume!
    • Kysse is great for building more lip and enhancing your perfect shape, but still in a natural, soft, kissable way. 

    Restylane Refyne Lip Filler

    • Still soft but a bit more structured.
    • This allows us to create crisp borders (not that you can't with the others).
    • You’ll love the shape, natural feel, and always the hydration!  

    Things to Consider Before Your Lip Treatment

    Before taking the lip filler plunge, plan ahead and be prepared both physically and mentally. By physical preparation I mean:

    • Avoid NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc), fish oil, and alcohol for at least 48 hours prior to treatment in order to minimize bleeding and bruising.
    • Consider taking arnica tabs 1-2 weeks pre and post treatment to aid in healing of swelling and bruising.

    And mental preparation is just as important. Here’s what you need to know:

    • When considering a lip filler treatment, know that there is always a potential for swelling and bruising. Even with the best precautions in place, be prepared for two weeks of healing in the event that you do bruise or swell.
    • Also know that slow and steady is the best approach for natural lip enhancement. Depending on your goals, consider there may be a need for more than one visit. 
    • Lastly, plan for maintenance. Once you fall in love with your results, you will want them to last!


    Lip Flip vs. Filler vs. Threads

    If you are on the fence with lip filler, consider these awesome alternatives for natural looking lip enhancement. 

    Lip Flip

    • Lip Flip - this treatment involves the injection of Botox around the upper lip to create a subtle "flip." As Botox relaxes muscles around the mouth, more of the upper lip is revealed. This creates a super natural looking, fuller top lip. Many clients opt for this treatment to cover gummy smiles. It's also a great way to see more volume in the lip before making the jump to filler. 

    Skin-Boosting Threads

    • Threads are all the rage in San Diego at PFAM for good reason, and they can be especially attractive as a filler alternative. Collagen boosting threads are artfully placed to improve volume and shape.
    • The threads are a light-weight material that boost the body's natural healing process, creating results that are incredibly natural looking and feeling. Since threads dissolve slowly over time, the results are long lasting.

    Lip Filler Results in San Diego

      Lip Filler After

      Our hope at PFAM is that you look in the mirror and fall in love with what you see. Enhancing our beauty can take us to new levels of confidence and helps our personalities shine. Lip enhancements with filler are one of the many ways we can achieve the elevated, beautiful confidence we all deserve. 

      I am always so honored and grateful to be trusted to enhance your perfect face. Consultations are always complimentary and such a great way to get started. We can chat, create your #lipdream plan, and then make it come true! 

      Muah 💋,

      Book your lip filler appointment here in San Diego.

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