Pre-Thread Lift Treatment

You may not be a good candidate for this treatment if you have any of the following conditions. Please contact the office or your provider if you are unsure if you should have this treatment performed.

  • History of COVID vaccine in the past 2 weeks or plan on getting it in the following 2 weeks after treatment
  • If you have a history of COLD SORES, please make sure your provider is aware of this ahead of time. You may require a prescription medication prior to your appointment in order to decrease the risk of recurrence.
  • History of keloid scars, scleroderma, collagen vascular diseases, bleeding disorders, active bacterial or fungal infection, compromised immune system
  • History of facial filler treatment in the past 4 weeks.
  • Botox within the past 5 days or plan on getting botox within the next 5 days
  • Pregnancy
  • Active acne in the area being treated
  • History of anaphylaxis allergy
  • Any allergy or foreign body sensitivities to plastic biomaterials
  • Allergy to local anesthesia medications (lidocaine, tetracaine, benzocaine, etc)

Pre-Thread Lift in San Diego Treatment Protocol:

  • It’s best if you wash your hair the evening before your treatment.
  • Smoking and alcohol should be avoided for at least 1 week before the procedure because they can dehydrate the skin, increase risk of bruising, and delay healing.
  • Avoid consuming omega fish oils, vitamin E, chili ginseng, garlic, krill and other such supplements at least two days before the treatment. Green and ginger teas should be avoided as well. All of the above can increase the risk of bruising.
  • Aspirin based products, like Naproxen/Naprogesic, Neurofen and Ibuprofen must also be avoided for at least 1 week prior to treatment.

Post-Thread Lift Treatment

What to expect after your Thread Lift treatment:

  • Immediate results are visible after the treatment with suspensory/lifting threads, as well as the area feeling tighter. Over the first few days to weeks, the tight feeling will relax to some degree.
  • Experiencing slight discomfort and soreness in the first week after the procedure is completely normal. There may be a dull pain that persists sometimes up to 2 weeks after.
  • Swelling of the face can occur for up to a couple of weeks after placement of threads.
  • Chewing and/or facial movements (smiling, laughing, yawning, chewing) may be uncomfortable. Another kind of pain described as ‘twinges’, ‘zingers’, or ‘shocks’ may occur as well. This is caused by a thread being near a nerve and will gradually resolve within several weeks after placement.
  • Asymmetry or puckering of the skin may occur and typically resolves on its own over time. If it persists past 3 weeks, please contact the office or your provider.

Post-Thread Lift Treatment Protocol:

The treatment can have a minimal recovery time, but there is still plenty you can do to expedite your recovery and achieve optimal results.

  • Ice the treated area for 5-15 minutes 4 to 5 times per day during the first week if you are experiencing bruising or swelling.
  • Use of oral Arnica is advised to expedite recovery (we do carry this at the office).
  • You can take pain medications such as Tylenol after the procedure, especially at night before bed.
  • Avoid aspirin for at least a week after the treatment.
  • Do not wash your face or hair for at least 12 hours.
  • Avoid applying makeup or creams 48 hours afterwards.
  • Restrict facial movements for a couple of days and make sure to rest for a full day after getting the treatment.
  • Avoid straining or placing pressure on your face as it may result in thread misalignment.
  • Do not perform any heavy lifting or strenuous activity for 2 weeks. Light exercises can be resumed after this time, but do not perform any exercises that may strain the treated area. Yoga, and exercises that require bowing your head below the heart may need to be avoided for longer.
  • Consume soft foods for about 1 week.
  • Avoid chewing gum for at least 2 weeks.
  • Sleep with your head elevated for the first few nights to reduce swelling.
  • Do not sleep on your face for at least 1 week.
  • Do not pull your skin, massage or scrub the skin for at least 3 weeks.
  • Avoid dental work and vaccinations for at least 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the thread lift.
  • Avoid skin treatments (including laser hair) for at least 4 weeks after.
  • Do not use baths or go in bodies of water for at least 1 week.

Call the office or your provider if:

  • You are experiencing unusual or extreme pain or swelling.
  • You see increased redness or drainage of fluid from the entry sites.
  • A thread begins to poke through the skin.
  • Fever is present.

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